Daily dosage: Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil

They say that if your mum has stretch marks when she’s pregnant..high chances of you getting it too is inevitable. I’m choosing not to believe in that.

I asked my mum to show me her stretch marks the other day and hers were really faint lines. Okay, maybe hers got lighter with the times but it didn’t seem like a war took place so I think I’m quite spared on this one. Nevertheless, I’m striving to acheive close to zero stretch marks where possible..and thats where I’ve chosen Clarins to be my preventer.


This body treatment oil, also known as Huile “Tonic” in their country of origin is made up of 100% pure plant extracts. Not convinced that its a safe product for preggers? Doubt not. Google it. Clarins actually made this for all pregnant mothers worldwide with the extensive technology they have! Even my gynae has told me to go for it!

I’ve started using the sample pack just when I’m into my 3rd month..now im going 4th and actively on the oil on a nightly basis!

The oil is so lightweight that my initial myth of it being too oily on my body (imagine suntan oil) was completely baseless. The plus point was that the smell was really soothing for me and I think that bean likes it too. This treatment oil was formulated with essential oils of geranium, mint and rosemary, now I know why it smells so good. Another content within was hazelnut oil! Very rich indeed. The retail price in SG is a good damage of $78. If your girlfriends are traveling to Paris, states or even DFS you could possibly get a better price out of it. If you’re looking around for something along the lines, do go by the counter and ask for a sample. The ladies at Clarins are really nice and generous with their samples!

My review? I would definitely buy another one if my current one runs out. For the effevtiveness of it? I will write about it when I’m at my post pregnancy stage.

Always remember that any kind of stretch marks cream is like a preventer and must be used early..not use after everything is a done deal. Honestly, I believe that the cream will have almost zilch effect if you chose the latter method.

Ps. This is a non biased review.